Launch Devlog

(Still Definitely Not) PONG Devlog

Art Sources:

- All sprites/backgrounds were created by me using Paint3D and MS Paint.

- Images were sourced from 'Know Your Meme' and r/ProgrammerHumor

Sound Sources:

- All sound effects were recorded by me.

Script Sources:

- Majority of Scripting was done by me.

- Script "SceneSwitcher" was used from Tutorial2-5 project.

- Script "StartMovingInRandomDirection" from Tutorial2-5 was also used,

  albeit with heavy modification


- Scoreboard, Winner is first to 10

- Ball resets when a point is scored

- Sound effects for all* parts of game

- Uses OnCollisionEnter() to reflect ball

- Paddles do not pass through upper and lower bounds

- On game complete, all gameplay ceases

- Can restart game from end-game screen

- Title screen includes Settings menu (Incomplete due to poor time management)

- Title also includes Credits screen (Now with less narcissism!)

Files Play in browser
Jul 30, 2023

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